lost in manele cover Cat. Nr.



Äl Jawala

Release Titel:

Lost In Manele

Release Date:



Jawa Records


World / Balkan / Brass


Press Release / Description:
If you’re curious about the title, the word “manele” refers to a “genre” of music specific to the Rroma community that gained popularity in Romania somewhere around the ‘90s but caused a backlash from the intellectual and artistic community for being vulgar and promoting questionable moral values. The band came up with the title after getting lost in Bucharest with nothing but posters promoting manele concerts for reference points. The band does indeed have a strong connection to the Romanian music scene as they have often played Romanian festivals and are generally well received in the country. Fortunately the only trait their music shares with the notorious manele is its very rhythmic nature and the Balkan influences.
(source: soulfire-artists.de)


1. Crazy
2. Lost In Manele
3. Microbuzele
4. Step Into Jungle
5. Nortwint
6. Pellegramm
7. Romski Cocek
8. Ezmar
9. Stufstock
10. Ora Son
11. So Far
12. Fönky
13. Fönky II




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