Angelique Ionatos Eros Y Muerte Cover Cat. Nr.



Angelique Ionatos

Release Titel:

Eros Y Muerte

Release Date:





World / Latin / Greece / France


Press Release / Description:
"When I decided to mix songs in three different languages on this album, I knew there was a risk that it would seem to lack cohesion. As I made progress on the composition, however, I realized that there was a secret dialogue between the authors: it's as if Pablo Neruda consoled the profound grief of Kostis Palamas with his brilliant love sonnets, and that, by clinging so closely to life, Anna de Noailles finally managed to leave the mark of her vast heart on Kotas Karyotakis's bleak April Day." When one spoke of love, death appeared dimly through their passion, in the same way that, beneath Palamas's Lamento for a dead child, life takes the upper hand by throwing off its yoke of mourning. Love and death. In the "miracle of vowels" that J. R. Caussimon sings about in the wonderful song put to music by Léo Ferré, La Mort, death appears to be the sister of love. - Angélique Ionatos. Partager (source:

1. Sabras Que No Te Amo...
2. Issiha Ke Sigala
3. O Mavros Kavalaris
4. Tal Vez No Ser
5. Mera T'Aprili
6. Amor Mio, Si Muero
7. No Te Toque La Noche
8. T'Aghioklima
9. No Estes Lejos De Mi
10. To Sterno Nanourisma (La Dernière Berceuse)
11. L'Empreinte

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